Sunday, 21 June 2015

About Hungarian coins

In the last few days I got some postcards from abroad. I think this is the time to set my profile to holiday mode, as I'm not able to send any postcards from the camp, or at least it wouldn't be the same anymore... but it seems I keep getting them from others. 


I got this postcard from Oregon. I really love bald eagles, they are one of my favourite animals. Although I have been to the USA several times, I haven't had the chance to see any, I wish I would! Maybe in this year, or in the next years - who knows where I'm heading after camp! 

FROM Portugal

The girl sent this postcard from nearby Porto. She met some Hungarians in Madeira, and she mentioned me how kind they were, so she would really like to visit Hungary in the future. I would also love to visit Portugal and Porto, when I was on Erasmus in Helsinki I shared the room with a Portuguese girl, who also studies in Porto, so it would be nice to visit her! 

FROM Russia

This postcard came from East Russia, from nearby the sea. You can see Nakkodka Bay with Sister Mountain, which is the symbol of the village where the girl lives. I really like this picture, I wish I could visit this area! *.*

FROM Russia

I got this card from Moscow. The girl collects stamps and coins, so I wrote a letter to her whether she wants to swap any of them, but she hasn't replied to me yet. She wrote she hasn't been to Hungary before, so in my opinion some Hungarian coins would be nice in her collection. As I have more visitors on my blog from abroad than from Hungary, I would like to describe how the Hungarian coins (Forint) look like. There are several coins:
- 5: has the Great Egret bird
- 10: has the coat of arms of Hungary
- 20: has the stool iris 
- 50: has Saker falcon on it. Sometimes there are unique 50 Forints, on some anniversaries or on some kind of special events. They are pretty rare, and quite hard to find. 
- 100: also has the coat of arms of Hungary, but in my opinion it's much more beautiful than the 10 Forints.
- 200: this is the most beautiful one. It has the Chain Bridge on it. Before the banknote was changed to coin, people can vote what kind of motives we want to have on the 200 Forints coin. Most people voted for the Chain Bridge, so eventually that was put on it.

FROM Germany

I got this card from North Germany. It's a free card, which I really liked there - in a lot of bars, pubs, hostels, etc. you could find several nice and funny postcards. When I was in Hamburg and Bremen I took home a lot of free postcards and put into my collection. Next time, if I'm in Germany again, I'll collect more cards I'm sure :D

Monday, 8 June 2015

Hungarian embrodiery

In the last days of my stay in Hungary I received some postcards and I sent 1 as well to Japan. 

TO Japan

The girl wanted to get pictures about national costumes. So I chose this card, which has some Hungarian clothes with traditional embrodiery style, called Kalocsai. In Hungary we have quite many type of traditional costumes. My favourite is this one, and the "Matyó". Unfortunately we can hardly find these kind of clothes and they are very expensive to purchase in my opinion. Usually folk dancers wear traditional costumes, but I think I haven't seen them wearing Kalocsai or Matyó before. Of course it depends on the area of the country of course. I don't live close to the Great Plain, where Kalocsai and Matyó are popular. Other popular embrodieries from Hungary are Kalotaszegi, Torockoi, etc.

FROM Estonia

This person sent me a piece of napkin as well. I'm collecting napkins too. It was strange, because the napkin is in Hungarian :D

FROM Norway

The guy felt what my favourite aircraft is - the Boeing 747! Unfortunately I haven't travelled with any before, but I hope it will change in the near future :) 

FROM France

This place is wonderful! The mountain is called Pyrenees, and it's on the border of France and Spain. I would like to visit this place soo much in the future *.*

FROM Finland

I liked this card. I already have a Finnish flag, it's above my bed, and it's anormous! So I can put this card next to it and enjoy them together :D

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Memories from London

I haven't written for a while... and I have a good excuse why. Some of my postcards arrived to their destination, and I asked for newer and newer addresses. All the people asked for touristic postcards, so I kept sending cards from Budapest. I have already written so many posts about Budapest, so I didn't want to open a new post about my cards again :D I would rather waited till this time.

TO Taiwan

I had a big problem with this postcrosser. She is 8 years old and she wanted to get postcard about Frozen. I tried to look for one, and I also checked Amazon, so if I go to the USA I could have bought it for her, but unfortunately I didn't find any :( So I decided to send her a touristic postcard. I still hope she won't hate me because of this :$ :D

TO Russia

TO Lithuania

The girl's profile was totally empty, so I had no idea what kind of postcards she likes... so I sent this to her.

TO Germany

The guy likes buildings. As I'm out of touristic postcards from Budapest, I needed to send a card from a different city :D So I decided to choose this one. It's an abbey in Zirc, where there is a big library. I have already been there, but I was so young that I don't really remember what's inside, or how it is look like. I remember being in a library, probably I was in this one. If I'm right, it has a very big library with more than 10.000 books.

TO Belarus

The girl would like to get cards about London too. I have a lot of postcards about London, so why wouldn't I send it to her? I was there last year in March. I flew there from Helsinki for 4 days with 2 of my friends. I enjoyed staying there, though our "hotel" was awful. I have no idea how they could call theirselves a hotel. The bathroom was totally dirty, the rooms were old, the windows were bad: we could hear metros going all the time. Last, but not least, we heard every night people having sex next to our room :D -.-" Yeah, we selected the cheapest place on :D since that time I never choose the cheapest place to stay, unless it has good ratings :D 

During those days I could go to Stamford Bridge, to Chelsea Football Club's stadium. That was really nice. And one of my friends joined me too, who was an exchange student also, but in London. Above the stadium, I visited the most touristic places, like everyone else: Piccaddily Circus, Tower Bridge, Madame Toussaud's, London Eye, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, etc. I was very surprised how many Hungarians there are! We were asking for something in buffet with my friend, we were talking, and the assistant started talking in Hungarian to us. The same happened to us before in a Vietnamese restaurant, where both the waitresses were Hungarian. Now I can understand why people say London is the second biggest Hungarian city :D

I really hope to be able to post again. On Saturday I'm leaving to the USA, I don't think that I will do Postcrossing from there. So, for the summer I will stop writing this blog, but I will write my other blog about my adventures in the USA: It's in Hungarian, so if you want to follow, don't hesitate to use Google Translator. I'm sure you'll have a nice time with reading it, my Finnish friends usually followed them, and they told me how funny it is when they try to translate it into English :D