Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Going to the USA in 1 month!

I'm getting more and more postcards :) Today I got 2, one from Taiwan and 1 from the USA. 

FROM Taiwan

FROM the USA - Arkansas

Maybe this was a sign... I'm going to the USA in exactly 1 month! :D I'm so excited about it! Yesterday the camp director wrote to me and asked when I'm planning to go to the camp, and I can even go there earlier if I want, as she will be there. As I have the appointment to the World Trade Observatory for 7th, I cannot go to the camp on Sunday, only on Monday. I asked her whether there will be a 4th Hungarian, as a few months ago she asked us whether we know anyone who would go to the camp. I found a girl to the kitchen, but we didn't suggest anyone to maintainance  position. The director told me that we will be 3 only, but there will be 4 other people from Camp Leaders (2 from England and 2 from Austria), and the French girl will be back also from last year. I'm really curious, though none of them will be in the kitchen - the kitchen crew will be the old one, except for Petra, my friend.

Petra and me are going on 8th June already though the camp starts only in the end of June. The camp will be so empty then, not even 10 people will stay there in the last 2 weeks! 1 week before the camp more people will arrive, so probably there will be more people, around 15 in my opinion. 

By the way, I'm flying with LOT Polish Airline, which is not as good as the airlines in the last years... it has only 3 starts instead of 4, but hopefully there will be no problems. One of my friends travelled with them last year and she didn't like them. Anyway, the ticket was pretty cheap, so maybe the hospitality will be less good as well... lets see! :)

1 comment:

  1. I knew some other college people who worked at our National Parks. Actual I'm not far from Glacier park over in Montana
    Coffee is on
